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Nostalgic Meanderings

A Load Of Cobblers
The 1970s and 80s in the UK weren't just about the flamboyant flares and shimmering disco balls. It was an era defined by a certain ethos – one of making things last. Back then, the essence of life was different – simpler in ways we often reminisce about today.   The emphasis wasn't so much in buying new things, but in renewing the old. It was a necessity back in the 70s, in our house at least.   Today's word is a wonderfully tripe-meaning word, where all meanings have faded from common modern use.   Cobblers!   As a child, hearing the word "cobbler"..
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Grandstand Astro Wars: A Trip Down the Pixelated Memory Lane
This chunky wonder was the closest any of us ever got to a Star Wars adventure, the joystick akin to a real spaceship's controls...
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A Nostalgic Nibble Of A Fray Bentos Pie
  Oh, the allure of the Fray Bentos pie! My mind tinkers back to the carefree 1980s, and I'm instantly whisked up in a nostalgic whirlwind of clinking cutlery, gleaming tins, and happy household chatter. Premiering on our modest dinner tables in the 1960s, these tinned marvels swiftly became a staple in our pantry, standing shoulder to shoulder with the quintessential Heinz baked beans and Cross & Blackwell pickled gherkins. Who amongst us can forget that first tantalising taste of a Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney pie? The familiar hum of the Belling oven pre-heating, the anticipa..
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The Magic Robot - The ChatGPT of the 1970s
  Ah, the Magic Robot – the board game that was the epitome of a '70s childhood, or more like a jumble sale staple and the subject of many snarky remarks among cheeky kids. It was the kind of game that epitomised the phrase: "One person's trash is another person's treasure." The Magic Robot certainly had an enduring charm, but let's be honest, it was a bit rubbish, wasn't it? Would you believe that the star of the show, the eponymous Magic Robot, was nothing more than a glorified spinning top with delusions of grandeur? Our magnetic wonder boy would often misbehave, spinning ..
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Car Aerial Made From A Coathanger
Ah, the good old days of the '70s and '80s, when British ingenuity was at its peak, and we could solve almost any car-related problem with a bit of elbow grease and a coat hanger. I can still remember the times when the car aerial would mysteriously go missing or simply snap off from one too many encounters with low-hanging branches. A trip to the store to buy a new one? No, that was far too simple a solution for us back then. Instead, we would rummage through the cluttered chaos of the garage, in search of the humble coat hanger, a staple of every British household. With some deft handiwor..
Vinyl Car Seats
Ah, vinyl car seats - the "luxury" of the 70s and 80s. They were the true test of one's mettle on a hot summer's day. Picture this: a quintessentially British family summer trip to the seaside, packed into a beige Morris Marina. The windows rolled down, with the smell of fresh cut grass wafting in, mingling with the unique scent of vinyl.
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The Six Million Dollar Man
Journey back with me, if you will, to an era when television was our magic portal to the fantastic and the extraordinary. Let us revisit a time when the cool, monotone hum of dial-up was still a distant future echo, and the flickering screen at the heart of our living room was the wellspring of our dreams and imaginings. There, in the warm, mesmerizing glow, we encountered him for the first time - the hero who captured our hearts and minds with his strength, speed, and bionic prowess. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 'The Six Million Dollar Man'.
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Scratch n Sniff
Ah, the good old days when life was simpler, and the only thing you had to worry about was whether your scratch and sniff sticker collection was up to par. Yes, my friends, I'm taking you back to those halcyon days of the 1970s and 1980s when "scratch and sniff" was all the rage. If you grew up in the UK during that time, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Sit back, relax, and let me take you on a nostalgic journey through the world of scratch and sniff stickers, and how they were an essential part of our childhoods. I remember it like it was yesterday: the excitement of walk..
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Help! It's The Hair Bear Bunch: A Hairy Blast from the Past
Get ready to unleash your inner child as we delve into a mysteriously nostalgic realm of mischief, motorcycles, and mesmerizing bears - can you guess the classic cartoon that captured our hearts and minds?  I know... the title and image give the game away but I was so proud of that I just had to use it!
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Wacky Races: The Zany World Of Hanna-Barbera's Craziest Car Rally
Are you a fan of the outrageous Hanna-Barbera cartoon 'Wacky Races'? If so, it's no surprise – since its debut in 1968, this classic show has captured the minds and hearts of over 25 million viewers worldwide! The zany world of Wacky Races is full of unforgettable characters like Peter Perfect, Penelope Pitstop and Muttley. Every week, these hilarious racers compete in wacky stunts to see who will take home first prize. Read on for a closer look at how Hanna-Barbera created one of the most beloved cartoons of all time! The premise behind 'Wacky Races' was simple yet effective: create an e..
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Nostalgic Meanderings
The 1970s and 80s in the UK weren't just about the flamboyant flares and shimmering disco balls. It was an era defined by a certain ethos – one of making things last. Back then, the essence of life wa... [Read More]
This chunky wonder was the closest any of us ever got to a Star Wars adventure, the joystick akin to a real spaceship's controls... [Read More]
  Oh, the allure of the Fray Bentos pie! My mind tinkers back to the carefree 1980s, and I'm instantly whisked up in a nostalgic whirlwind of clinking cutlery, gleaming tins, and happy househo... [Read More]
  Ah, the Magic Robot – the board game that was the epitome of a '70s childhood, or more like a jumble sale staple and the subject of many snarky remarks among cheeky kids. It was the kind ... [Read More]
Ah, the good old days of the '70s and '80s, when British ingenuity was at its peak, and we could solve almost any car-related problem with a bit of elbow grease and a coat hanger. I can still remember... [Read More]
Ah, vinyl car seats - the "luxury" of the 70s and 80s. They were the true test of one's mettle on a hot summer's day. Picture this: a quintessentially British family summer trip to the seaside, packed... [Read More]
Journey back with me, if you will, to an era when television was our magic portal to the fantastic and the extraordinary. Let us revisit a time when the cool, monotone hum of dial-up was still a dista... [Read More]
Ah, the good old days when life was simpler, and the only thing you had to worry about was whether your scratch and sniff sticker collection was up to par. Yes, my friends, I'm taking you back to th... [Read More]
Get ready to unleash your inner child as we delve into a mysteriously nostalgic realm of mischief, motorcycles, and mesmerizing bears - can you guess the classic cartoon that captured our hearts and m... [Read More]
Are you a fan of the outrageous Hanna-Barbera cartoon 'Wacky Races'? If so, it's no surprise – since its debut in 1968, this classic show has captured the minds and hearts of over 25 million viewers... [Read More]
What is the link between the fab 1960s weirdness that is "The Banana Splits" and the scary 1976 horror classic "The Omen"? Read this to find out! PS if you're looking for the wonderful toffee meets... [Read More]
A couple of weeks ago we made the annual trip to the garden centre to pick our Christmas tree. I had measured the height, floor to ceiling, in our lounge to ensure that the fir that we bought was... [Read More]
Only 19 sleeps to Christmas (as I write this)... It was a regular December memory that I recall from my childhood so it definitely qualifies for my little Christmas countdown... These days it ... [Read More]
This is when it started to get serious... Christmas really was coming. The first sign was the appearance of the advent calendars... Not that they were a massive surprise because they were t... [Read More]
Remember Evel Knievel? He was huge when I was little. Definitely larger than life... He had 2 claims to fame from what I can remember. Jumping over stuff on his motorbike...  It wa... [Read More]