It's a quickie but goodie this week...
And another of those "they were so good, why did they stop making them?" conundrums (or should that be conundra?)

Back in the 70's so many food types were dominated by 2 brands...
With ice cream it was Walls and Lyons Maid...
With colas it was Coke and Pepsi...
And with crisps and snacks it was Golden Wonder and Smiths ...
And Smiths created some of the most iconic crunches around... and best of all were...
Smiths Horror Bags...
Salt and vinegar bones...
Cheese and onion fangs...
Bacon claws...
Vinegar flavour ribs..
And batburger bats!

Now you tell me... are those not the most nostalgia-inducing snacks ever?
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