Holy macaroni... one thing that I love about all of your comments on the blog posts (thank you so much for those) is the fact that I never know which subjects will really get everyone commenting.
The "turn the handle" pencil sharpeners that was seemingly mandatory for every self-respecting teacher when we were little was one of those topics.
And blancmange was certainly another.
For this week's blog post I thought I'd do something slightly different.
When researching the food items to write about on the blog (and in my emails) I occasionally discover things that I would swear have long since disappeared... but they're still around! I'm clearly not walking down the right aisles in the supermarket... or I'm just going to the wrong shop in the first place.
Incidentally (and this is a very early memory of mine so I might be completely wrong)... I vaguely recollect being taken to a Sainsburys when I was probably 5 or 6. It was in the Harrow area... or somewhere round there. But the memorable thing about it was the fact that it wasn't like a shop now where you just help yourself off the shelves, there was a long counter along either side of the shop and you had to ask the person to get you the stuff off the shelf behind them.
Please.. put me out of my misery... do you (or your parents or grandparents!) remember ever going into Sainsburys like that? Or am I just a bit deranged.
Anyway... my 4 top products which I hadn't seen for ages but I subsequently discovered you can still buy...
(Imagine I'm doing this in a Top Of The Pops, chart rundown type voice)...
At 4... Salt and Shake crisps. The ones with the little blue bag of salt. Did you know you can still get those?
At 3... Findus Crispy Pancakes. Except they're now branded as Birds Eye not Findus)

At 2... Angel Delight. My favourite was butterscotch... I'd eat it until I felt horrible! It was brilliant!

And at 1... and this is a 70's icon if ever there was one... and it seems like it might be on the way out because Tesco online looks to be out of stock, the online store named after the big river can't help... but it looks like Morrisons still have it in stock...
Unless that's stock left over from the 1970s...
In the very very early days of AQuarterOf.co.uk, probably in 2003, I received an email enquiry from a customer asking me if our stock was fresh or if it was stock left over from the 1970s! I promise you that's true.
Anyway... back to number 1. Here's the product description which will give you a clue...
If you should meet a creature with the body of a snake, the head of a crocodile and the claws of a lion, that's flapping leathery wings and breathing fire, you've found yourself a dragon. For centuries the Chinese have considered this mythical animal a symbol of power and fertility. Down through the ages they've used the dragon to decorate everything from clothing to cooking pots. Dragons were believed to live on a diet of human sacrifice. But that may be because easy to prepare, tasty meals - such as the exciting eating experience of our #### #### - were not readily available in ancient times. There's a point to ponder as you enjoy your ##### meal.
Have you every heard such convoluted tripe?
Can you guess what it is? Scroll down a bit to see)...

Yes... you can really still buy Vesta Chow Mein!
I bet you can't beat that... or can you???