As you can probably guess, it's not a bad job to be the person behind the virtual counter in an online sweetshop.
Aside from being surrounded by sweets (ahhhh the smell!) and taste-testing a gazillion new ones to see which will make it onto, we also get to embark on the occasional fun project.
And that's what we did a smidge over 12 years ago.
It was approaching the end of March 2009 and we thought it would be a jolly weez to come up with an April Fools Joke in the spirit of the Panorama one of the 1960s... where they showed Swiss (!) people harvesting pasta off Spaghetti trees.

Time for a brainstorm...
We came up with some ripping ideas (I don't really talk like this but for some reason it feels appropriate today). But we didn't just want to feature the joke on we wanted to see if we could share it with a wider audience.
So it had to be a doozy that the newspapers might mention.
"By jove, I've got it!". (oooeerr I've turned into Ken Dodd!)
It was an idea for a new sweet... that was the one.
But the sweet needed a name... more pressure.
It had to be believable... and to tie in with the sweet itself in some way. It was a chocolate bar.
Imagine 48 hours of "how about xxxxx" names being bandied around... until we found the one...
We had someone off Fiverr design a mockup for us...

What do you think?
Convincing eh?
And it worked!
Here's the story from the Telegraph website back then...

PS... I'd buy a Chockle, wouldn't you? The thought of munching on it and then sounding like Joe Pasquale still makes me smile...
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