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What's New? The Latest Sweets In A Quarter Of...

We are constantly on the lookout for sweets to add to AQuarterOf.co.uk.

But not just any old sweets...oh no!  We refuse to stock anything that isn't of the highest quality (and believe me we taste test loads!).  We only want the sweets that you remember from your childhood sweetshop... plus the sweets that sweetshop would have stocked if it was still around today (and it hadn't been turned into a mini super-market or something similar).

Most of the new sweets that we come across we reject after the taste testing (it's a hard job but somebody has to do it!) process.

So you can rest assured that what you see below represents the cream of the crop - the very best of the new sweets around at the moment...

So, after all that, what are the most recent additions to our traditional sweetshop? Hold onto your hats...